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The Van Engel Music Appreciation Fund
Beverly Lazar sent the SCCCMH the following news item:
Van Engel Music Appreciation Fund
On May 14, 2010, friends and colleagues celebrated Dr. Ivan Engel’s retirement by giving him a gift where smiles and generosity join, a gift that will live on in Saratoga County long after he retires to Mexico. That gift is the formation of the “Van Engel Music Appreciation Fund”, intended provide individuals with mental illness an opportunity to participate in musical experiences, attend concerts in their local communities, and to receive lessons in creating their own music. This fund honors Dr. Engel’s love for music and his service to the mental health community.
Individuals affiliated with Friendship House, Transitional Services Association, Intensive and Supportive Case Management, and Saratoga County Mental Health Center are invited to apply for funds to enjoy area musical events or take lessons to create their own music. Interested individuals are encouraged to talk with their doctor, therapist, or case manager to obtain an application for funds. The application is easy to fill out. The total fund request cannot exceed $50 per person. Please provide the SCCCMH at least two weeks to process the request.
We appreciate the SCCCMH’s efforts in operating this special fund. If you are interested in donating, please forward a donation form and funds to the SCCCMH, noting that your donation is to be dedicated to the Van Engel Music Appreciation Fund.